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Chance Cemetery

Transcription Photo Index

Transcribed By: Linda K Lewis, 05 Jul 2007.

Photographed By: Linda K Lewis, 2007.

This is a Complete transcription by reading and photographing the stones as of 05 Jul 2007.

Transcription Key: * = Supplimented from the Leavenworth Co Cemetery Index

Now showing 34 of 34 records

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Marker; Photo

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Broken stone; Photo

+ ??, ??; Marker; Photo

+ Bateman, Malissa J; b. 30 Dec 1882; d. 11 Aug 1883; Daughter of Emanuel and Ida Bateman; Photo

+ Chance, David I; b. 07 Feb 1883; d. 22 Nov 1884; Aged 01 Yrs 10 Mos 16Dys; Son of Isom and Feeb, Son of I an P Chance; Old and new stones; Photo

+ Chance, Feeb Wilbur; b. 10 Jul 1843; d. 20 Jan 1883; AKA Phoebe Wilber, Wife of Isom Chance, Footstone F C; Old and new stones; Photo, Photo, Photo, Photo

+ Chance, Geo A; d. 25 Jun 1899; Aged 23 Yrs 05 Mos 04Dys; Footstone G A C; Photo, Photo, Photo

+ Chance, Green; d. 14 Aug 1880; Aged 67 Yrs; Footstone G C; Photo, Photo, Photo

+ Chance, Isom; b. 01 Jul 1844; d. 18 Feb 1883; PVT CO D 14 KANS CAV Civil War, Husband of Phoebe Willber Chance; Two stones; Photo, Photo, Photo

+ Chance, James; b. 25 Feb 1849; d. 08 Jan 1933; s/w Margaret Chance; Photo

+ Chance, Margaret; b. 11 Sep 1863; d. 14 Oct 1893; s/w James Chance; Photo

+ Chance, R; s/w F T Wilber and W A Chance; Photo

+ Chance, W A; s/w F T Wilber and R Chance; Photo

+ Collins, J W; b. 1833; d. 1908; Possible missing monument with Ressa Collins *; Photo

+ Collins, Ressa; b. 1845; d. 1931; Photo

+ Ford, William; d. 26 Jul 1873; Aged 12 Yrs ? Mos ?Dys; Illegible *; Photo

+ Holmes, Orlando; CO D 24 KY INF; Photo

+ Mellon, John; d. 01 Feb 1893; Aged 71 Yrs 11 Mos 21Dys; Photo

+ Stevenson, Edna B; b. 31 Oct 1874; d. 21 Feb 1875; Children of Joel and C Stevenson; Stevenson monument, Illegible; Photo, Photo, Photo

+ Stevenson, Infant; d. 01 Sep 1879; Footstone Baby; Stevenson monument, Illegible; Photo, Photo, Photo, Photo

+ Stevenson, Jasper; b. 12 Jan 1877; d. 28 ?? 1877; Footstone J S; Stevenson monument, Illegible; Photo, Photo, Photo, Photo

+ Stevenson, Livonia; b. 01 Sep 1873; d. 11 Oct 1874; Children of Joel and C Stevenson; Stevenson monument, Illegible, (Lydnia) *; Photo, Photo, Photo

+ Wilber, F T; s/w W A and R Chance; Photo

+ Wilbur, Eliza; b. 27 Mar 1807; d. 16 Jul 1878; Mother of Feeb Chance; Old and new stones; Photo, Photo