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Old Shawnee Town Cemetery

Transcription Photo Index

Transcribed By: Linda K Lewis, 23 Jul 2005.

Photographed By: Linda K Lewis, 2005.

This is a Complete transcription by reading and photographing the stones as of 23 Jul 2005.

Now showing 9 of 9 records

+ ??, Julia; b. 28 Aug 1798; Photo

+ Allison, Martha J; b. 29 Jun 1871; d. 12 Dec 1876; Photo

+ Allison, Virginia C; b. 07 Oct 1881; d. 1884; Aged 22 Yrs; Photo

+ Brown, John N; Co D 143 Ill Inf; Photo

+ Churchbaugh, Sarah Etta; b. 20 Mar 1891; d. 03 Apr 1891; Dau of Wm and DM Churchbaugh; Photo

+ McElroy, Alice; d. 1872; Aged 12 Yrs 6 Mos 22Dys; Children of T and C McElroy; Photo

+ McElroy, Infant; Children of T and C McElroy; Photo

+ McElroy, Katie; Children of T and C McElroy; Photo

+ Robertson, Katherine; Photo